Sunday, 10 October 2010

Advert Reviews.

This is an advert for The Used.
The size of the text for the Band Name is large and capitalised, this attracts the viewers attention and draws their eyes in. The next line down bears the Album Title, the album is called ARTWORK, again, the text is capitalised, which makes it easy to read and stands out, and it fits the same style as the Band Name. The Band Name and the Album Title are both in black, where as the release date is red, the text is on a white background which allows the text to contrast against it. The more important pieces of information are at the top of the advert, and the less important text is smaller and nearer the bottom, drawing your attention to the top of the advert.
On the front cover, the background of the image is black which frames the image in the foreground, marking its importance. The cover is surrounded in a ink like substance which creates a gruesome effect and links the image with the Album Name. The image in the foreground is of someone tattooing themselves with the word 'work', the needle says the word 'Art' spelling out the album name. The image in the foreground fits with the Album Name as tattoos can be classed as 'Art Work'.

This is an advert for Paramore.
The text is all in lower case, which gives the advert a child-like appearance, which ties in with the two porcelain objects in the image. The text is a light colour, grey/white which contrasts against the dark background making it stand out and easy to read. The Single Name font is different to the Band name font, this individualises the band from their new album. The Band Name is always the same font on their album covers and posters, creating a brand logo/name. The text towards the bottom of the page is more subtle due to its size, yet remains the same colour the Band Name, which allows the theme to remain the same.
The image in the foreground is of two porcelain dolls, both of which look like girls and are slightly angel-like. The whiteness of the image suggests purity, which relates to the Single Name as ignorance stands for - unintelligence, inexperience, both characteristics would be found in young girls or angels.

This is an advert for The Stone Roses.
This is a very simple yet effective advert, as it is white text on a black background, creating contrast and making it eye catching. The Band Name is exremeley larger than the rest of the text, catching your eye and making it noticible for the bands fan base. The text below, bearing the Single Name is not as bold as makes the page look more busy and full. The word 'black' is bigger than the rest of the text on that line, it makes it stand out more and draw your eye in. It is also ironic as the word black is white and on a black background. The text is capitalised, which makes it easy to read and stands out.

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